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Matt Sullivan

serves as the Collision Repair and Refinish instructor at Springdale Job Corps Center. He brings over 20 years’ experience in the collision repair industry and has worked with Job Corps for over a decade. Matt earned an associate degree in collision repair and refinishing, and he is Automotive Service Excellence- and I-CAR-certified.


Collision Repair and Refinish - Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair

Collision Repair and Refinish - Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair

On the job, you will ...

  • Prepare vehicles for inspection by providing access to damaged area  
  • Analyze damage to determine appropriate methods for overall repairs 
  • Gather details of the incident/accident necessary to determine the full extent of vehicle damage 
  • Perform inspection of structural and non-structural components   
  • Identify cost-effectiveness of the repair  
  • Determine the approximate vehicle retail, recyclable and repair value 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Most Basic Collision graduates go to work for body shops, including independently owned body shops and those found in car dealerships. 

This is the first level of basic training offered in the auto collision series. Upon completing your basic training, students should also consider pursuing Advanced Collision Repair – Damage Analysis and Estimating, Advanced Automobile Service Technology, and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ...

Students who complete an Automotive and Machine Repair training area can earn nationally recognized credentials from such organizations as: 

  • National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) 
  • National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) 
  • United Automobile Workers (UAW) 

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
National Rate Max Value

Automotive and Machine Repair

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Job Corps offers training in the following automotive and machine repair areas. Get started today.


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Automotive Machine Repair
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Dark Blue
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Automotive and Machine Repair
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Short Description

Automotive body and related repairers prepare vehicles for inspection by providing access to damaged area. 

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
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Academic Skills Instructor