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Ashley McAdoo - Academics and Life Skills - Detroit Job Corps

Ashley McAdoo, MBA

is the ACT/AT/OTP coordinator at Detroit Job Corps Center. A graduate of Wayne State University, Ashley has a background in legal and business industries. As the advanced training coordinator, she gives back to the students at Detroit Job Corps by providing programs and opportunities for them to advance their education.

Boyd Farmer - Welding - Cass Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center

Boyd Farmer

has served as lead Welding instructor for nearly 30 years at Cass Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center. He enjoys teaching students the art of welding and encourages them to be on time, always do good work and celebrate small successes during their journey.

Chris Mahler - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Brunswick Job Corps Center

Chris Mahler

is a Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning instructor at Brunswick Job Corps Center through the Home Builders Institute. He holds EPA, OSHA and National Oilheat Research Alliance certifications. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, attending his church, fishing, bowling and supporting the Seattle Seahawks.

Coty Fletcher - Electrical - Brunswick Job Corps Center

Coty Fletcher

is an Electrical instructor at Brunswick Job Corps Center. Coty’s almost 10 years of experience includes an apprenticeship with the Savannah Electrical Training Alliance through the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, a teaching position with the same apprenticeship, as well as journeyman electrician, OSHA 10, OSHA 30 and CPR certifications.