Bruce Guttman - Academics and Life Skills - Brooklyn Job Corps Center

Bruce Guttman

is a Reading instructor at Brooklyn Job Corps Center. He holds a bachelor’s degree in education from Molloy College and a bachelor’s degree in communication arts from Michigan State University. Bruce enjoys his role at Job Corps because of the diversity of students he can work with and the opportunity to help them meet their professional goals.

Shane Simon - Carpentry - Wolf Creek Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center

Shane Simon

brings over 30 years of professional experience to his classroom at Wolf Creek Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center, including three tours with the United States Naval Construction Battalions and as a commercial carpenter in the United Brotherhood of Carpenters. He enjoys teaching because it allows him to be able to help train a new generation of carpenters who will continue the tradition of skilled trades in the workforce.

Rich Evoniuk - Carpentry - Wolf Creek Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center

Rich Evoniuk

lead Carpentry instructor, previously worked with the United Brotherhood of Carpenters apprenticeship training program before joining the team at Wolf Creek Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center. Rich has over a decade of experience as an interior systems specialist, cabinet installer and union carpenter.

Rich can relate to students as a Job Corps graduate. He enjoys working with students, watching them learn the ins and outs of the trade and seeing the excitement they express when they complete the program and move on to UBC apprenticeship.

Toby Watson - Welding - Mingo Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center

Toby Watson

is a Welding instructor at Mingo Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center and an American Welding Society-certified welder. Toby aims to give students the tools they need to succeed in their careers and lives by coaching them through welding courses and offering advice regarding finances and professionalism.

Tim Watson - Welding - Mingo Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center

Tim Watson

is a Welding instructor at Mingo Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center, bringing more than 35 years of welding and construction experience to the classroom, including two decades as a millwright and welder with the United Auto Workers. Tim enjoys preparing students for successful careers by taking them to tour local companies and mentoring them in welding and life skills.